The Sound of Music was on TV the other night and as I sang along with Julie I started to make a mental list of what some of my favorite things are. I really could make separate lists devoted to the different genres of my life: favorite baby things, mama things, woman things, ministry things, etc. But life doesn't really get to be in separate, clean, segmented compartments. So here it is. Obviously my ultimate favorite things are my husband and daughter, but I'm not putting people on the list. All in a recent favorite things:
Costco Baby WipesBecause let's face it, we've got a lot of diapers to change and buying these puppies in bulk for wholesale prices is the only sensible thing to do. But not only are they great for wiping little bottoms, they are also great for napkins on BBQ night, cleaning up sticky spills in the cup holder of the car, dusting furniture, cleaning mirrors, swiping picture frames, and de-sanding feet after the beach. We have packs all over the house serving all kinds of purposes. They're great!
Our Public LibraryI love the public library. We are in there at least once, if not twice a week. Free books galore. Free DVD's galore. Free baby books galore. Free baby DVD's galore. And if that weren't enough...They also have a Friends of the Library bookstore with GREAT books on sale for $1 or less. They have musical concerts. They have a toddler story and dance time where we go have stories read to us interactively and we sing and dance and learn. AND there are two service dogs at this library. One cocker spaniel who as far as I can tell just lays around and lets little kids pet it. Selah loves him. The other is a big collie who's job is to snuggle next to kids and let them read books to him. Selah loves him too. She loves going to the library these days (we're still working on the quiet sqeals of glee). First she looks for the puppies, then she goes and picks out a DVD for herself, then a board book, then hugs the stuffed penguin on the children's rug, then goes to the kids' tables to color, then either sweetly holds my hand while I pick out books and movies for myself or runs amuk "rearranging" books and creating an early exit for us.
Gold Eye ShadowIt's fun and girlie. What can I say? It isn't very inconspicuous, but it's fun to shimmer sometimes.
Chick-Fil-A Sandwich and Waffle FriesYum!
MicrowaveThis may seem like a weird one, but it's true. I didn't like living without a microwave for so many years. Mainly because it takes a lot of forthought and planning or a lot of grossness to defrost meat for dinner without one of these. Also great for melting chocolate perfectly every time and zapping frozen vegetables. It just seems so much easier to make dinner if you have one of these.
Baby SignsThese have been such a joy for our family. Why wouldn't you do them? They are easy and fun to learn, based on ASL and whatever our own little one makes up. Even though Selah Grace can't really speak to us in more than two word sentences, she precisely communicates and has been for quite some time! Thanks baby signs! Her new sign of the week is for Nintendo Wii. She holds one arm out stiff and waves wildly like she has a controller in her hand. Smart little girl. Maybe Mama and Daddy shouldn't play so much?...
Beth Moore Bible StudiesOkay, so I know I said people weren't going on the list, but it isn't Beth Moore that I love so much (although I do) as it is her Bible studies she writes for women. I'm not very good at giving myself a structure, so I appreciate the structure of the studies she writes and I always learn so much about history, about the character of God, and about myself when I do them. They are so good!
LabelerI like organized closets. Don't be fooled. We don't actually have any of those in our house, but I've seen them at other people's places and I like the dream of having our very own some day. My sister-in-law gave me a labeler for Christmas and I've already run the batteries down using it so much. It brings me great joy.

Double Stuffed Oreos and MilkI can't get enough milk these days. Also can't get enough double-stuffeds. Oreos are really one thing you can't skimp on and buy generic. Hydrox just aren't the same. There's only one Oreo and they only taste better with pregnancy!
And to make it a nice, round 10 things...
The Hot Glue GunI like being crafty and making things. It is incredible the amount of craftiness that can come from wielding this $2 weapon!
Those are my things that I love this week. They will most likely change next week. Any of you have any favorites that life just wouldn't be the same without?