Josiah Benjamin Leboffe
May 1st, 2010
6 pounds, 13 ounces
18.5 inches

Today was Selah Grace's second birthday. We had big plans to go to the zoo, have a picnic lunch in Balboa Park, then have cupcakes and presents with Grammie, Grandpa, Auntie, and Unkie.
Baby brother had other plans.
Jenny started having contractions around 4 am, and by 5:30 we were at the hospital ready to welcome the newest member of the family. A couple of hours in Triage, a few hours of waiting around in Labor & Delivery, and at 2:30 pm, after 4 super-pushes (no joke---the kid was streamlined), we got to meet our son!
They monitored him for a while in the delivery room, and they decided he was well enough that he didn't even have to go down to the NICU, but could stay with us. Praise God!
They did the planned ultrasound to look at his heart, so now we just have to wait for the results of that (hopefully tomorrow). Lord willing he will be all clear, everything the right size, and given the go-ahead to go home with us.

Apparently May 1st is
THE day to be born in the Leboffe family. We think it's kind of cool that our kids are birthday-buddies. Whether
they think so in a few years will be a different story!