...backed out of the garage...(before the garage door was fully open)
...dropped the coffee pot on the tile floor, shattering it to smitherings.
...forgot to pack a bottle nipple for Josiah's bottle, made a mad dash to store while out in order to get one, bought one, then found out after the store that it was the WRONG thing!
... forgot the grocery list and came home with kind of what we needed for the week
This morning a lady at the library commented on how calm I was while at story time with a baby strapped to my body and a 2yr old running around my feet. HA! If only she knew.
I don't like this hurried and harried business. I'm going to go back to taking it slow, most likely being late, responding to others when I can, and giving up the guilt about it. Any other way, I'm just building obstacles for myself to climb over. It's time to slow down.

If you must be in a hurry, then let it be according to the old adage, and hasten slowly. ~Saint Vincent de Paul
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday. ~A.A. Milne