This past Sunday we took the stage at Flood, our home church, and asked our church community to act as family and help us raise our little man Josiah.
Nate, Josiah-man-of-the-hour, Selah Grace in all her disheveled toddler cuteness, and me. |
The verse we chose for Josiah is Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life."
Josiah being prayed for by Pastor Matt. |
This was and is our prayer for Josiah:
Jesus, thank you for our little man, Josiah. Thank you for his vitality and his personality! We know each day with our healthy son is nothing short of a miracle and a gift! We thank you for this and we ask that he will continue to grow and play, enjoying his boyhood with a healthy heart. What a joyful
baby! Thank you for his constant smiles and playful, into-everything-curiosity. Thank you for the giggles and camaraderie that already exists between Josiah and his sister. We pray they will be close friends in life. Please help us raise a son full of integrity, who understands your love for him, who opens doors for women, and who dares to live in the fullness of who you have created him to be. Amen.