Thursday, February 18, 2010


There's something so central to God in creating something new. Right now we are creating in two places: in the dark, comfy confines of my womb, and in the empty room of the future nursery. Inside my tummy something magical and spiritual is happening. A person is being made!

But in our empty room we are getting a chance to imagine a new space for a new family member. It used to house icky blue carpet and precarious towers of boxes of things we haven't gone through in almost five years of marriage merge. Now it boasts a fresh coat of paint and new carpet, but is still rather barren. Although I moan about how long it seems to take babies to grow, it's a good thing that God gives us time to prepare a place for them in our homes and hearts.

Here's a picture of our little guy's space now:

Here's a "before" picture of our little guy's future space:
Yep, pretty boring right now. Nate and I are throwing around some ideas right now to make a big impact on a low budget. Think fabric, trees, kites, and tesselations. Stay tuned for the big reveal in a month or so when we get it done!

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