Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can Someone PLEASE Get Me Some GummyBear Juice!

Each morning when I open the fridge at a groggy 5:30 to get Josiah's big boy cup of whole milk I look for it. It's never there, but I still hope. A little vile of gummy bear juice to get me going. To kick the foggy/groggy head and dead-weight body into action! One day those bounding bears will leave me a little bottle of love and for a few minutes I will remember what it feels like to feel AWAKE and powerful in my body! In the meantime, here's to my fellow under-slept, over-caffeinated parents who are bouncing here and there and everywhere despite the lack of gummy juice! Cheers!

1 comment:

Nate said...

You need some 5-hour energy. Let's DO this!