Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Many Uses of Kotex

Selah, daughter after my own heart, enjoys a good interior design project. There's been a lot of parties the past few months between baby showers and birthdays and celebrating life with friends. Our home has been a joyous, colorful explosion of Martha Stewart pom-poms and flourishes of ribbon. Selah Grace has caught the decorating bug and embellishes our home with her unique touch.

Medium of choice? Kotex. Giant kotex. Pangea-sized, postpartum kotex. We find them lining the hallway like an absorbent, padded chair-rail and slapped onto bedroom doors.

Yes, it is strange. But Nate and I appreciate the blast of humor finding Selah's adhesive decorations around the house.

I prayed that God would bring a little laughter into our home right now while I'm sick and Nate's so busy. In response I got Kotex art from my two year old. Although it's weird, I think we'll leave them up for a while to remind ourselves to appreciate the joyful worldview of children and to laugh every once in a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your creative parenting heart! Let them stick! how fun. You are a wonderful mom. Hope you are feeling better each day! We love you guys! aunt k